Holiday Photography

During the year, I’m always on the hunt for a photo that will make a good Christmas Greeting card. So, this page is our once a year holiday card. If you’d like one customized for yourself, let me know. I’ll make you one, CHEAP. And if you live in Oregon somewhere, I can come to you and photograph what you want, and we can go from there.

I will add the others once I have the external hard drive hooked up and running again! 🙂

From the year 2011, and yup, that’s a sho of my Christmas tree. Hand crocheted ornament courtesy of my mother.
This was taken on South Myrtle Creek (road and physical creek), Oregon.
This card was a pretty big hit. We took the Jeep out for a ride, and got this way, way out on BLM land off of Cow Creek.