
Genealogical Humor (& Other Good Stuff)

Genealogical Humor from my grandparents to me. Circa 1979

Note about the cartoon above: There is an itty-bitty story behind this little cartoon.  I didn’t just get it from anywhere. In fact I’ve been saving it for YEARS!!  I started on my genealogical journey when I was around 16 years old or so.  When ever the mini-series Roots hit commercial TV.  Let’s just say I got  into it around 1978 or 79.  My grandma and grandpa gave this cartoon to me way back then.  If you look at the image really good you will see where they (probably grandma) cut the female head off of one cartoon and pasted it on to one of the characters here.  She is me I suppose.  It was one of the many things that my grandparents were able to find humor in. I can just imagine the little giggle they got out of this.  One could say it is plain, or even simple but wouldn’t it be nice if we all could learn to take pleasure from such simple things in life.  My many thanks to everyone who has ever helped me along in this life.  And many thanks to the memories of my grandparents: Earl Otho Coop and Hazel Lorine VanZandt-Coop.  Lord knows, I miss them more than anyone who has passed on during my life.

Links to more humor, et al on this website:

  1. The Rules for Genealogy
  2. The Schitt Family
  3. Old Genealogists Never die… they just loose their…
  4. One liners, or for all us who have been into computers too long, remember those taglines??  Signatures for the newbies!!
  5. Your Billions of Ancestors! What a thought.
  6. Rules for Teachers in 1872
  7. Buckland Congregational Church Sunday School,
  8. Scholars’ Library Library Rules: circa. 1892
  9. Health Recipes from: the Complete Directory of
  10. Henry County, Indiana for 1909
  11. Prayer for Genealogists
  13. An Heirloom of Rhymes
  14. We are the Chosen
  15. I’m My Own Grandpa
  16. You know you’re taking genealogy too seriously if…

Links to Genealogical Humor elsewhere:


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