Aunt Emeline
Born 1913, the lady who wrote these memories is my grand aunt. Aunt Emeline as I grew up knowing her is my grandmother’s oldest sister. These memories are dated: December 27, 1999, and were transcribed by her daughter. I am grateful that these memories were shared with the family, and am grateful even more to have this insight to the generations past. By knowing Aunt Emeline, I have only one hand between myself and the people she remembers in these pages, her parents and grandparents. I will have some notes at the end of the piece. Parts having to do with common ancestry from a generation or two back will be highlighted.
The Robert McClaskey Family
I am going to start this with what I know about my grandparents.
My grandfather McClaskey was born near Milan, Missouri on October 26, 1862. His name was Robert Reason McClaskey1. His parents were James and Elizabeth McClaskey. Grandpa has seven brothers and sisters. They were William Hall, Catherine, John, Elizabeth, Daniel, Robert, Willard, and Mary Jane. My grandmother McClaskey was Rozzella Clapp, she was born near Trenton, Missouri. She had two sisters and three brothers that I know of, Kate, Betty, John, Nute and Lee. They were all born around Trenton, Missouri. Grandpa and Grandma had five children. Harrison, Elizabeth, John (my father), Arthur and Ernest. Harrison married a lady from Texas named Sally and they had one son Charlie. I never saw any of them. Elizabeth married Harry Sparks and they had 13 children. John married Cordelia Stuart and had six children. Arthur married Grace House and they never had any children. and were divorced. He then married Lillie Snyder and they had eight children. Ernest married Thelma Graves and they had four children.
The Stuart Family
My grandpa George Stuart was born in Illinois in 1854. He had a brother Franklin, sister Elvatte, brothers Andrew, John, and William all born m Iconium, Iowa. Grandma Stuart was Emeline Murphy, Born January l, 1882. She was also born at Iconium, Iowa. They had 12 children Emeline, John, Rhoda. Mary Jane, twins Livi and Clara, Julia, William, Jesse, Herriett, Rachel, and Lillie Bell. All were born m Appanoose County, Iowa. Grandma and Grandpa Stuart had eight children Frank, Essie, Edith, Roy, Ellen, Ona, Cordelia (my mother), and Lewis.
My mother was born in Iconium, Iowa, March 18, 1884. My dad was born in Milan, Missouri on August 27, 1884. They were married in Oklahoma November 29. 1912. They lived in Oklahoma until September 24, 1913 when they and dad’s parents and two brothers went to Matheson, Colorado in three covered wagons.
My parents had six children: Emeline, Pearl, William (Bill), Lillie, Alice Lorene, and Bryan. I was born in Cheyenne, Oklahoma (Roger Mills County). All the other brothers and sisters were born in Matheson, Colorado, except Bryan, who was born at Glade, Kansas. I was only 2 weeks old when my parents left Oklahoma. I don’t know how long it took them to get from Oklahoma to Colorado, but we stayed with Marion and Sadie Ashcraft in Colorado until my grandparents got a farm of their own and my dad got a job. Grandma McClaskey was a midwife and could take care of most any kind of sickness. She was called on most often to deliver babies. She was with my mother when all but the last two of our family was born. After grandma and grandpa moved to Western Colorado, Aunt Sadie Ashcraft took her job of helping the sick. They both should surely have a star in heaven.
My dad had itchy feet and never stayed in one place very long. So about a year after my grandparents moved to Western Colorado, we also moved there (1920). I started to school there. We stayed there two years, and then moved back to Matheson.
My grandparents moved to Osgood, Missouri, where they lived the rest of their lives. Grandpa died September 1931 and grandma died August 5, l 941. They are both buried in a country cemetery between Osgood and Milan, Missouri.
We moved to Glade, Kansas in 1924, where we lived when Bryan was born on September 30, 1925. We moved to Goff Kansas that same year around Christmas time. Then in 1926 we went back to Colorado and lived there until my mother died February 14, 1928. When my mother died we all had scarlet fever and she died of a miscarriage2. I was 14 1/2 at the time. We stayed in Colorado until about April of that year, and then moved back to Goff, Kansas, to be near my Aunt Lillie and Uncle Art, who helped us kids so much until some us were grown. My dad and I worked for the. Hanna Poultry and Egg Company until 1930, when we were both transferred to Horton, Kansas, where I met Frank Ingels who was 20 years old. He was born in Netawaka, Kansas, on March 13, 1910. We were married in Atchison, Kansas on September 17, 1930. We lived in Atchison for four years. Our son Marvin Eugene was born there on August 5, l931. Then Frank was transferred back to Horton. Our second son Kenneth Charles was born on March 1, 1937. Then we moved to St. Joseph, Missouri and our first daughter Darlene Louise was born on October 26, 1940. We then moved to Holton, Kansas where our second daughter Joyce Maxine was born on May 30, 1945.
I have lived around and in Holton ever since. I have lived around Holton for 54 years. Frank died of a heart attack on January 23, 1966. I sold our farm and moved into Holton in March of 1966. I sold our produce business and went to work for the Ben Franklin Store and worked there eight years. I worked part time for different stores after I retired in 1974. I also sat with some people who could not take care of themselves.
In 1978 I married George Scheidegger. I had been a widow for 12 1/2 years when we were married. He died October 3, 1986.
The next year my son Marvin died on October 31, 1987. He had heart trouble too, He was 56 years old.
Marvin was married to Elsie Scheidegger on April 13, 1956 They had two daughters Debra Kay was born October 11, 1960, and Linda Marie was born March 23, 1963. Debra has a son Robert and daughter, Stephanie. Linda had one daughter Heather. They lived all their married life in Topeka, Kansas. Elise and Marvin’s daughters still live in Topeka. Marvin worked for Hallmark Cards before getting on at the post office in Topeka. He worked there until he passed away.
Kenneth married Carol Coble July 3, 1957 and they had three children. Robert was born October 14, 1959, Sherry was born July l 5, 1961, and Susan was born November 15, 1966. Kenneth and Carol was later divorced. Kenneth married Mary Beth Wright on June 9, 1989. They have no children of their own but Mary Beth had an adopted daughter Debbie. Robert had a daughter Michelle and a son Jason. Sherry had two daughters Karrie and Shanon. Susan is waiting for her first child soon. Kenneth lived in Kansas City, Kansas, then was transferred to Western Kansas. He was a meat inspector until he retired. He now works part time for a Hardware Company and has a small farm near Canton, Kansas.
Darlene married Kenneth Cattrell April 25, 1959. They have on son Gary Joe born July 15, 1960, and a daughter Kathy Darlene born June 23, 1962. Gary had two sons Jason and Randy. Kathy has a daughter and son; Ashley Darlene and Kenneth Joe. They lived 2 years in Atchison and have lived 37 years on a farm near Nortonville, Kansas. Darlene had worked for the school district for 33 years.
Joyce married Keith Parrett on May 26, 1962. They have two daughters Tracy born October 24, 1970, and Kelly born July 7, 1973. Joyce lived north of Topeka and now lives at Silver Lake, Kansas. She has four grandchildren.
I have 10 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Two daughter-in-laws and two son-in-laws who I dearly love. They have always been wonderful to me.

Jim, Alice, Lily, Bob, Frank, Sadie, Clara, & Fred Ashcroft. Photo donated by Alveta L. Rowe-Gibboney
When we were kids and lived in Colorado, we had lots of fun. We were poor as church mice but so was everyone else. Every Sunday someone in the neighborhood had a carryin dinner and that was a big deal then. The older kids played baseball and the younger ones played hide and seek, Annie over the house or blind mans bluff and some other games I have forgotten about in 75 years were favorite games.
We had dear friends Alice, Olive, Walter and Gladys Ashcraft, Kenneth and Mildred Johnson, Edith and Edna Bo1denec and many other kids to play with and to go school with.

Fred & Sadie Ashcroft. Donated by Alveta L. Rowe Gbboney

Walter Ashcroft, donated by Alveta L. Rowe Gibboney
My mother (Cordelia Jane Stuart McClaskey) never saw any kind of an electric appliance before she died. But she did see an electric light once.
I went to seven different schools to get my 8th grade education. After mama died I never got to go to school any more. As I was the oldest I had to stay home and care for my younger brothers and sisters. I always wanted to be a nurse, and I have helped a good many sick people. I would do any kind of help for someone in need. I have lived in Southern Heights Apartments for 8 years and have helped lots of the people that need help. I am getting to the point where my health won’t let me help as much as I would like, I have ‘ in my feet and knees, but I like living here.
In 1937 my dad and stepmother, my brothers Bill and Bryan and sister Lillie all moved to Oregon. Where they lived the rest of their lives. I saw my dad once after they moved out there. He and my stepmother had two girls after they moved to Oregon. I have seen one of them several times, but the other one I have never seen. In 1941 my youngest sister Lorene moved there and I didn’t see her for 25 years. In 1954 my sister Pearl moved to Oregon and I was here by myself as far as brothers and sisters. We never had the money to go out there and they didn’t have the money to come back to Kansas. In 1946 my sister Lillie, her husband Orvin and their four sons came back for a visit. My brother Bryan came back a few times to as his wife’s family lived in Horton.
In 1966 I took the train to Oregon and stayed six weeks I got to see most of my nieces and nephews, most l had never seen. I have made 8 or 9 trips out to Oregon since 1966. The last one was October 2, 1993. My children gave me a ticket for my 80th. birthday. My son Kenneth went with me. My son Marvin and my daughter Darlene went with me once also.
I try to call my sisters once a month to keep up with family news. All my sisters have had a lot of bad health the last 3 or 4 years. I lost a sister in 1998. Thee are only myself, Pearl, and Lorene left.
My brother Bill got killed in a car wreck on January 9, l 962 and my brother Siren died of a heart attack on November 12, 1975. I lost a great-nephew, Billy Rowe in 1993 and another one Earl Rowe earlier. I also lost my nephew Alvin Rowe 10 years ago. He had heart trouble. All my Oregon relatives that have passed away are buried in the Miller Cemetery at Silverton. Oregon. My two brothers, my father, two brother-in-laws, one uncle and one aunt, three nephews, two nieces and now one sister. My aunt Lillie’s father Mr. Suyer, a friend from Kansas is also buried there. I still have one aunt 86 living in Dolares, Colorado, Aunt Thelma, my uncle Ernest’s wife.
Things I Can Remember From When l Was A Kid
The first thing I can remember was when my brother Bill was born. I was about 4 years old and I ask how he got here and grandma told me the mail carrier had brought him. I looked for days for the paper he came wrapped in. When Lillie was born I was six years old and I knew the mailman didn’t bring her. When I was about 5 my uncle Art had to go to the army. It was World War I. Grandma had a going away party for him and of course I went to sleep at the party and didn’t get to tell him good by. I cried all the next day because I thought I would never see him again. But he did come back safe and sound. My uncle Art and uncle Ernest were very dear to me when I was a kid, they took me so many places with them.
I finally got old enough to go to school and I really liked school and was a good student. I got good grades most of the time. My sister Pearl and I went to school with Alice Ollie Ashcraft and I’m good friends with them to this day. There was also Gladys Ashcraft and so many more that I can’t remember that have passed on.
Gladys mother had a baby girl November 9, 1919, Mama had sister Lillie on November 9. 1919, and Aunt Sadie had Walter on December 1, 1919 and the three families were close neighbors and we lived 20 miles from town, so about once a week two of the mothers would take the cream and eggs to town and buy groceries and supplies and the other mother would stay home and keep all the kids, including the three babies. All three were nursing so that mother just fed all three of them. When I was a kid we never got to go to town except to the fair in the fall. We would get 25 cents to spend and we really thought we were rich. The first job I ever had was helping a fiend of mama’s with housework. I got $3.00 per week and I was able to get myself and the other kids some nice clothes. Mama made all our clothes; you could get enough material for a dress for 75 cents and nice slippers for a $1.00 a pair. The next job I had was working for Hanna Poultry and Egg Company. I was 15 years old. There I broke eggs and candled eggs for 20 cents an hour. I also picked chickens for 3 cents each in the wintertime. I worked for Hanna’s until I got married. I was l 7 years old when I married Frank Ingels. l did that kind of work all my life until 1966 when Frank died after 36 years together. Frank and I owned two produce stations together. We sold the first one and started farming and years later we sold the farm and went back to the produce business, which we still owned when Frank died.
When I had my 75th Birthday the kids had a nice party for me with an open house. The kids gave me a nice sewing machine as a present. I have always liked to sew and have sewn all though the yeas. I made most of the girl’s clothes. I even made Darlene’s winter coats. When I was 80 years old they gave me a ticket to Oregon. This was in 1993. I went to see my relatives out there. My niece had a family reunion on the 3rd of October and I got to see lots of family I wouldn’t have gotten to see otherwise. We had a great time. I met two cousins I had never known before and all my sisters were there. Also most of my nephews and nieces from Oregon and Washington.
Marvin was always accident-prone; when he was about one year old I left him asleep in his crib with my sister to watch him, while I went to the store for groceries. My sister went to sleep and when she woke up she didn’t hear him and he had tried to get out of the crib and caught his head in the crib and nearly choked to death The doctor said if I had been 3 minutes later he would have-been gone. He also fell with a glass in his hand and broke it and cut his chin and had to have stitches taken in it, he had that scar until he died. If anything was going around at school he always brought it home to the other kids. He brought home the mumps and two week later Darlene got them, Kenneth and Frank got the next day, Joyce and I got them, the next day and we had to get Franks mother to come take care of us all. Frank sat up on the side of the bed to shave and had a backset and was down another week and a half. Frank did not want to get them so he would peek in the crack in the door to see how the sick were doing and he had them the worse. Marvin was always so sick with all his childhood diseases. Kenneth never had anything very hard and the girls never had things bad either. The measles were the worst for them. Kenneth and Joyce always had the croup every winter. Kenneth had lots of earaches guess that all goes with raising a family.
Marvin was drafted into the Marines in 1952 and was m California for two years. He was discharged in 1954. Kenneth passed his physical but was never called to serve.
This year I went to Kenneth’s and stayed three weeks in June and they took me to Colorado to see my dear friend Ollie and Glen Wilson. Then at Christmas time I went again to Kenneth’s and stayed over Christmas and they brought me back to Topeka where we met all my other kids and had Christmas Dinner with them and then Kenny and Darlene brought me on home.
We had a nice New Years Dinner. Debbie Wright was 16 years old February 28. Randy Cattrell was 9 years old February 5; Joey Cattrell was 5 years old February 22. Kenneth Ingels had a birthday March 1st. Missed Theresa Cattrel’s birthday January 3rd. Brother-in-law Marvin Ingels had birthday March 21st. Linda Ingels Brink will have birthday March 23rd.
I went to Kenneth’s March 19th and stayed 2 1/2 weeks. He had surgery March 223rd. We were in Salina the 20th. Then back for the surgery. He had to go to Wichita for test on the 3rd of April and they brought me home on the 5th
Sister Lorene will be 72 on April 7th.
We are having a garage sale to help buy s sound system for the new church. Our sale was real good. We made $390.00.
Darlene took me to the doctor in Topeka the 10th of May. All test were good. Went to see Hazel Moore in the afternoon.
Today is Mothers Day. Elise was here last night; Darlene and Joyce were here today. Sure was a nice Mother’s Day.
Kenneth and Mary Beth and Debbie- came the 21st, and spent the weekend. and Thelma Scheidegger called.
Edith and Walt Schumann were here. Walt on way to doctor. He is having back surgery.
Marvin was here and brought me a big pan of strawberries Tuesday afternoon, so today I made jam out of them.
Kenneth called the 12th of July and I went home with him and stayed until the 26th. It was hot the whole month over 100 some days and 100 all month. The air conditioner is a life saver. We canned 11 1/2 quarts of beets while I was at Kenneth’s.
August 5, its Marvin’s birthday, so I called Nellie Jackson and had her take me to the cemetery so I could put some flowers on his grave. He would have been 64 years old today.
Brother-in-law- Marvin stopped by he is recuperating from surgery and is doing real good.
I had my birthday on the 12th of September as usual and had a real nice day. Kenneth spent the weekend with me and Darlene came and spent my birthday with me. Don’t remember if anyone else was here or not.
We had a supper for Judy for her 25 years of running the apartments and on the way home I fell and cut my head and hurt my hip. This was September 24th, and today is November 5th, and I’m still not back to normal. I spent time in the hospital with a concussion and spent 3 weeks at Kenneth’s and before that the girls came everyday and even stayed some nights with me. I am staying by myself now but am still light headed. I can’t remember much during that time. Kenneth brought me home November 3rd and I have had a lot of company. Darlene came and took me to the doctor he gave me some different pills but I had to stop taking them as they made me worse. Thanksgiving is Thursday and I have a lot to be thankful for, especially my wonderful children.
Joyce came up and took me to the post office, bank, and to the hospital to pay my bill, which was $220.73. I’m glad it’s paid. I and Maxine plan to go visit Hazel Moore this afternoon.
Darlene and Kenny came by and picked me up to go to Topeka for our Christmas dinner. All the kids got there, there were 10 in all. We ate at the Country Kitchen.
Well Christmas is over got same really nice things. Joyce and her grandkids ware here Sat afternoon, Elise came Sunday afternoon and Darlene was here last night. I went to Schumann’s for dinner yesterday. Marvin and Melvina were there also. Had a lovely dinner. Kenneth and Mary Beth called. Kenneth is retiring the 3rd. of January.
Happy New Year 1996
The weather was pretty good the first few days. then turned cold around 6 below zero. Kenneth and Mary Beth and Cecil Powell came up the 3rd. Kenneth retired that day in Topeka and they came up for dinner but could not stay very long.
Darlene came about 9:45 and stayed until 11:00. I sure was glad to see her. She is always such good company. Maxine was over this afternoon.
I have felt better today. Hazel Rouse, Lucille Aberson, and myself went out for dinner and DeIla came down this afternoon and we had a good visit.
February 2nd. It is still cold out, about 15 below zero. Been cold for several days now.
Lillie, Maurita, Alveta and Harold got here about 2:45 Friday afternoon and stayed until Monday afternoon. We all went to Kenneth’s and stayed overnight. I sure had a good visit with everyone.
Today is Kenneth’s birthday and I called to wish him a happy birthday. Am feeling some better now and moved things in the bedroom and cleaned under them. Edith called and told me Marvin was in the hospital but now doing better. Today is March 13th. And Marvin was taken to the Topeka hospital Sat.
the 9th and was operated on the I0th for bypass surgery. He had 5 valves almost closed. But is doing well so far.
Marvin Eugene and Elsie would have been married 40 years today. April 13th.
Have been so dizzy I went to the chiropractor, he did some test that showed I had a slipped vertebra so I’m taking treatments. I have had 3 and feel much better.
Tomorrow is Mothers Day. Betty and Sandy were here today. I got two nice vases of flowers, One from Elsie and one from Betty and Duane. Kenneth and Mary Beth sent a throw blanket.
Darlene was here on Mothers Day and brought a pretty wind chime. and Joyce and Keith sent flowers I had a wonderful Mothers Day. Kenneth called and they were fine.
I am planning to go to Kenneth’s for two weeks. Monday will be Memorial Day and that is always a sad day for me.
Kenneth and Debbie came up on the 25th. And we went to the cemetery in the afternoon, then I went home with them for two weeks l really enjoyed my stay. We had lots of rain while I was gone and some of the apartments got water in them, but I was lucky and none got in mine.
Pearl called June 15th, and she was fine but her daughter Barbara had another heart attack and has been real bad.
Darlene, Ashley, and Joey came up and spent the day last Thur. I sure did enjoy seeing them. Joyce and Keith came up Sunday and spent the afternoon. Kenneth called Sunday afternoon.
July 7th. Hazel Moore and I went to Topeka on the bus and we each got a pair of shoes and a few other little things. Then we ate at long John Silvers. Tonight we had a fried chicken supper at the center. Had salads and desserts to go with it.
July 29th. Kenneth called last night and they were fine. Salty called and said Edith had been in the hospital for a week but was home and doing fine. I called Lillie and everyone there fine.
Had my eye worked on this morning July 30th. Doctor used a laser and removed the film from it. It feels pretty good today. Will have the other cataract taken off September 12th. Some birthday present.
Yesterday would have been Marvin’s 65 birthday. I thought about him all day. I think about him every day. Today Nell and I are going to vote and then to Topeka to get our sewing machines.
Kenneth got real sick on the 10tk of August and was m the hospital nearly 2 1/2 weeks, so Darlene and Joyce took me out there to help out what I could. He was really sick. He is better now and Kenny and Darlene came and brought me home on the 31st.
I am getting my cataract taken off the 12th. Which will be my 83rd. birthday. Hope it goes well and I can see better. All went well and I can see a lot better. I stayed the night at Joyce’s and she took me back to the doctor to have the pressure checked in my eye. Joyce and Darlene were both with me for the surgery.
September 17th Frank and I would have been married 66 years today. Called Kenneth today and he is not doing very good. Sure would like to see him getting better.
I went to the eye doctor today end my eye is doing well and I will get my new glasses anytime. I am going to Kenneth’s on Sat. as he is having surgery on the 23 of October. I sure hope he will be o.k. after the surgery. Got back from Canton November 11th. Kenneth is doing lots better. He was in hospital one week and isn’t doing much yet.
Went to the Schumanns for Thanksgiving dinner. Marvin and Melvina and I were the only ones there. Played cards all day long.
Had my craft sale yesterday November 30th and had a real good day. Made $8.07 and sold most of the things I had made. Darlene came up and helped with the sale. She is such a good daughter. We quit around 12:00 as the weather was not good and she needed to get home before it snowed. Then we didn’t get any snow. Mary Beth called and visited for a while and they were all doing fine.
Talked to Darlene today and they are all fine. Kenneth and Mary Beth called and they were fine. I love all my kids and all the in-laws; they are so good to me.
Mary Beth had surgery on Friday and Kenneth called and said she had gotten along just fine. Mary Beth called Sat. afternoon and said she was up walking around and would go home Sunday.
Talked to Darlene this afternoon and they are all fine. Then talked to Kenneth and they are fine,) Mary Beth doing well after her surgery.
Cold here. When they forecast cold weather they knew what they were talking about. Had 10 degrees for a high today January 11th.
January 23. Thirty-one years ago today was a real sad day. Frank passed away We were in Topeka at a sale and he had a heart attack and never made it to the hospital. There was a nurse at the sale and she gave him CPR, but it was to late.
I had my knee joint replaced in the summer of 1998. It is better but is still painful won’t have the other knee done if I can help it.
Kenny and Darlene came to get me thanksgiving morning and I went to their house for dinner. Kenny’s dad Roy was there also. Then we went to Roy’s for supper and all Kenny’s family were there. Then they came and got me and I went to Roy’s for Christmas dinner, sure had a nice time visiting with everyone.
Kenny and Darlene got a new home in June of 1999 and I got to go down and watch them put it on the basement. I had never saw that done before. It was interesting to watch Then they had Roy and I down to see the house before they moved in. It is real nice and I am so happy for them.
Darlene came Thanksgiving and spent the afternoon with me. Kenny had the flu and stayed at home. Christmas Eve Day Kenny came and got me and I went to their home for their Christmas Dinner, Gary and his family and Kathy and her family and Kenny’s dad Roy were there. We ate dinner then opened gifts. I spent the night with them and on Christmas Day we all went to Roy’s for dinner. All Kenny’s family were there and again we opened gifts. I got so many nice things. Didn’t know any of us had been that good. Enjoyed the day very much.
Another year is about gone. It has been a good year and I am looking forward to the New Year and hope none of the things people are predicting comes true.
1: I was told growing up that this man’s name wasn’t Robert Reason McClaskey, but Robert John McClaskey. I have no documentation to prove either name correct as of yet.
2.: Official reason on the death certificate: scarlet fever.
Emeline R. Ingels-Scheidegger
( 09/12/1913 – 10/12/2005)
HOLTON—Emeline R. Ingels Scheidegger, 92, of Holton, died October 12, 2005 at the Holton Community Hospital. She was born September 12, 1913 in Enid, OK, the daughter of John Robert and Cordelia Jane Stuart McClaskey. Mrs. Scheidegger lived in Holton since 1940 and previously lived in St. Joseph, MO. She was self-employed at Ingel’s Produce Store, she also worked at Ben Franklin’s and The Hamburger Inn (“The Dump”) all in Holton. She was also a member of the Presbyterian Church. She married Frank Charles Ingels on September 17, 1930 he died January 23, 1966. She later married George N. Scheidegger on October 14, 1978 he died October 3, 1986. She is also preceded in death by a son Marvin Ingels in 1987, 2 sisters Pearl Down and Lillie Rowe, 2 brothers Bill and Bryan McClaskey and a step-son Fred Scheidegger. Survivors include a son Kenneth Ingels and his wife Mary Beth of Canton, KS; 2 daughters Darlene Cattrell and her husband Kenny of Nortonville and Joyce Parrett and her husband Keith of Circleville; a daughter-in-law Elsie Ingels of Topeka; 2 step- daughter Betty Moore of Holton and Lois Johnson and her husband Don of Topeka; a step-son Dale Scheidegger and his wife Corky of Holton; 12 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and 3 great great grandchildren. Services for Mrs. Scheidegger will be 10:00 a.m. Saturday, October 15, 2005 at the Mercer Funeral Home in Holton. Burial will be in the Netawaka Cemetery. Family will greet friends from 7-8:30 p.m. Friday evening at the funeral home. Memorials may be given to the Jackson County EMS and sent c/o Mercer Funeral Home, P.O. Box 270, Holton, Kansas 66436.
Mercer Funeral Home
RIP, Aunt Emeline.