Trump on Twitter on Feb. 6, 2017.
“I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!”
Trump is answering a question there believe it or not. Obviously not with the facts that might give proof of an argument showing that the facts that might have showed that he had some way to prove what he says. He is explaining that his opinions and actions are correct because HE calls the shots. Instead of providing proof for a fact that he was asked about he says if the guy in charge says it, then it must be true.
It is another fallacy of argument called: Argument By Authority. Basically he’s using the same logic my parents used when we didn’t want to do something and had the audacity to ask why and their answer was: “BECAUSE I SAID SO.” And as our parents that was a pretty good answer. Fast, to the point, and it the last step you dare push before the spanking (yup, I was spanked with the hand, the belt, and apple switches. )
This is also a fallacy of Omnipresence: What he is saying is that basically he has the ability to know thoughts of all people by saying “everyone knows it.” There is no way for him to know what “everyone” actually knows or thinks.
The man proves very, very little of what he says. He is not only the master of fallacy (as many politicians are) but also deflects. When it comes to a persuasive argument, I doubt very seriously that he passed on writing/critical thinking class at Wharton. He uses these tactics as if it were candy.
What I do not understand — is why are people falling for this? Why are people allowing him to run the country this way. It is inherently disrespectful to anyone that this is directed to, and I’ll tell you when it’s on Twitter it is directed at you and at me!
How is it that a voter can justify voting for this man when he said on national tv, in front of God and everyone that he could kill someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. How is it that this does not bother you?? Where did your conscious go? I have brought this one up before, and I don’t mean to be pushy. But, if you really want the best for our country as a whole, you don’t vote someone into office that you actually thinks he can get away with MURDER! (obviously delusional)
The argument, “I know he’s an asshole, but he is getting things done.” Is NO argument. It is NOT acceptable on a moral level and on an ethical level and it really makes me question people who use that argument. More tomorrow.