Clyde and I had a discussion the other day. We’ve been talking a lot lately. We have good communications, but something has changed — we are talking even more. Imagine that! Spouses who actually get along, and carry on conversation. We were talking about Trump supporters. Neither of us really understand the logic: “of course he’s an a**hole, but he’s getting the job done.” My first reaction is that they are uneducated and not bothering to read about what has gone on the past 30 or 40 years, as this man has a very well documented life of sex abuse toward women, some domestic violence, and apparently of not following the law in terms of tax law, etc. His ethics are appalling to say the least.
But then I thought about it more. You know what really gets to me about Trump supporters. If I were to abuse someone with less power than myself, a child, or an elder, I’d be thoroughly chastised by the system and thrown in jail. Being who I am, I’d probably chastise myself and tell me that the law is the law. Period.
But, the message that Trump supporters (via the conservatives) send is that the law really only applies to a few. IF you are one of the “elite” , in particular a white male, as long as you get the job done, it doesn’t matter how you break the law.
I see that as a lack of integrity, and ethic. That is what bothers me the most about a Trump supporter. None of us are perfect. But, I do believe in the basic goodness of the human race, and that most of us do our best to try and not hurt other human beings. So, why is it ok to give this man who is not nearly as smart as he believes himself, and has absolutely no respect for the law, nor other people who do not suit his purpose more power?
I see a basic flaw in the conservative logic. And this is why, I will probably never be known as a conservative again. I may never be 100% liberal, but, I will not ever be a conservative.