Got a phone call from the ex a few hours ago. He found my website… ‘course he’s not trying to cause trouble.
He could have called his mother to get his daughter’s (who is NOT his daughter anymore) phone number. Then he could have called the daughter directly and relayed the message.
So, Mr. Ex— Mr. Denial himself. Ok, you found my website, and you have a phone number that doesn’t come to my house. Thankfully!
By finding my website, you probably know I probably live in Douglas County, Oregon. You might even have figured out I’m in it’s southern end.
Here’s my message to you!!! You don’t need to call me, not even to give a message to a kid. Your message today was much less a message about Pam, as it was a message to let me know you found me. WooooHOOOOOOOOOOO! Obviously, you’ve not changed.
I’ve got news for you, I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m happily married to a man who doesn’t beat me up nightly and then tell me he’s just “playing” and that it’s “wrestling”… He’s never bruised me and no more of my teeth have been cracked, chipped, or broken. I’ve never cried, and through my tears asked him if he felt big because of the way he treated me.
Leave me alone. Stay away from me. We are NOT friends. Far as I could tell, our marriage was a sham from the beginning–you never took the time to ‘know’ me, or love me… I was property, I was used and abused.
There is a major league fence around my property. With “NO TRESPASSING” all over it. There have been talks with local law officials about how legal our set up is in terms of trespassers and prosecution.
Do not step on to my property. DO NOT enter my door.
Let’s just say if you do, I know how to protect myself, and I WILL!!
We might run into each other, maybe at child’s wedding, but my guess is that the more time goes on the less chance there is even of that happening. If we do, we can be peaceful. I won’t acknowledge you because I don’t have to. The adoption of my children and the removal of YOU on their birth certificates means I can totally deny your exisitance. Do not walk up to me and expect conversation. Our ideas of ‘reality’ are too far apart to ever reconcile. This why I FILED FOR DIVORCE!
If this isn’t a strong enough message than nothing ever will be.
Just don’t call me again, & stay away too!
Thank you
Go Peggy go peggy go go go Peggy. Stand up for yourself you deserve it! *high five*
Thanks Rob… 🙂