The photo is Hattie Ann Rowe, she is the sister of my great grandfather Alfred B. Rowe.
Genealogy Software
Once you have started entering your data into your Family Group Sheets and your Pedigree Charts, you *MIGHT* want to also enter that data into a computer software program. I want to stress that if you do decide to use software that you always keep a hard copy of your work filed away somewhere in case your computer crashes, and oops, you forgot to make a back up of it!
Having said that, there some free software’s out there, and some that can run you less than a hundred dollars and on up. There are pro’s and con’s to all of them. I have a tendency to run more than one, which can be a pain in the *&^)! But, I use them for different purposes, and for the different purposes one is sometimes better than others.
For a plain GOOD basic program that is FREE, download the PAF program from:
This website is a website you will get to know very well as you journey through. It is owned, and maintained by the Church of Latter Day Saints, and they really believe in searching for their ancestors and getting them “sealed” so they can go to heaven, too. Because of this they have one of the, if not the best, genealogical libraries in the world. And 100% of it is free!
Another FREE piece of software is FAMILY TREE LEGENDS. You can get it from here:
Now, keep in mind this free version is version 5. There is a pay version that is newer, better, faster (what else did the bionic man do?). The newer stuff isn’t necessarily better. And for a beginner, I really recommend one of these freebies. If it makes you feel better, I know a seasoned, and certified genealogist who uses Family Tree Legends.
And there are many, many pay software programs:
- Family Tree Maker (many versions)
- Master Genealogist
- Brothers Keeper (there is an ancient version available free for those who are still using DOS, 95, and 98)
Etc…. and my advice, is after you’ve been at this awhile to research these pieces of software and see which you think you’d like before buying. They all have their good and bad points.
For example. I Have used PAF, Family Tree Legends, and several versions of Family Tree Maker. I love PAF for it’s website building capabilities, and that is to this day, why I keep it on my hard drive.
Family Tree Legends is very adequate, but, I use Family Tree Maker.
I use Family Tree Maker because it is integrated with the internet, and the companies ( Cd’s that are sold that contain all kinds of rich data (birth records, census records, immigration records, you name it!).
I have the newest version, thanks to folks who let me take a survey and paid me for it via an gift certificate. And when I first installed it, I hated it! I just thought it was the pits! It was hard to navigate, hard for my mind to understand, and well.. if I can’t do that.. what the heck is the point?
Well, I kept at it, cause I started to hear rumors that after you get it figured out you’ll really like it. And guess what!!??!! I got it figured out, and I just love it! It is much easier to source things now than ever before, you can include details on your media that there was never space for before. The database (which is all these programs are, is specialized databases) is very integrated, and allows you to hook media to sources as well as to the “folks” as it always had. I just love it!
But, you might not! So research before you buy. Most professional genealogists really like Master Genealogist. I looked at it once, and being a mother, it was out of my price range. 
Well, those are my last thoughts for today! Next step is definitely, CENSUS Records!!!
