Can I use a blog to bitch??!! My kids don’t read this anyways! I just found out a few minutes ago, that my ex husband made it clear that it wasn’t worth his time to drive up here to Oregon to see his son for a two hour visitation.
What???!!! Hello?? I just wonder what is worth anything at all to him. Is there anything on this planet that he actually cares about, respects, or is worth his time?
After I moved up here to Roseburg, I drove down to California (that is NINE hours one way) to see my son. My visits with him while he was in the group home were often for less than 48 hours. What is a child worth? One month, Sonoma County flew him home for a week, I had to drive four hours to pick him up at Portland Airport. And, geez… while I was down there, my husband paid for gas, food, etc. while I ran around and did my thing with my son. My husband who has known Wesley for two whole years shows that boy more respect and love than his own father does.
By the way, his father would not drive three hours to see him when he was in the same state either, and has not seen Wesley for at least two years now. What does it take?
And as angry as I am for my son, (not like this is a new complaint here, just a new version of an old bitch)… the hurt when this all sinks in with the kids… the thought just makes me want to literaly cry.
I met him when I was 15 years old, and totally stupid myself. But, I do wish I had waited until I was older and smarter and CHOSEN a better father for my children. A thousand apologies, will never make up for the bad choices I have made either.
Ok nuff of that, just wanted to moan and groan, and I wish I could huff and puff and just blow his stupid house down! Love ya all, Peg
About PeggyAnn
Professional PC Consultant, Researcher, & avid people watcher, Peggy Ann Rowe started into her genealogical quest at age 15 after watching the mini-series, "Roots" with her parents. This new obsession has fueled her love of history, & study of cultures & societies in every epoch. Today she is 57 years old with four kids who are all grown up (& all have flown the coop). In between her 'gigs' with clients she volunteered at many different non-profits. Former President, Secretary, and Director at Large on the board of the Douglas County Historical Society for 10+ years, and former Secretary at the Cloverdale Historical Society (Sonoma County) for nearly 10 years.
This website is an attempt to share the knowledge she has gained about her family ties with others who may be interested in the same things. She does not guarantee 100% accuracy and does hope that you will send corrections. To learn more about her, click the "about" button in the page menu. Thanks!
Another goal of this website is to disseminate a message (i.e. education) about domestic violence, child abuse, and all forms of sexual abuse to society at large. The message comes from real experience from the whole spectrum of the violence from sexual abuse by a perpetrator to sexual abuse perpetrated by a husband, to the abuse of children within the family. Peggy has seen it, lived it, and been hurt by it. There will on occasion be details that might be hard for some people to read, and a warning is usually posted at the beginning of the essay so that those who want to turn and not read may do so. The only way to teach and to let others learn what to avoid is to SHARE what happened with every detail necessary to make the point. Thank you.